The 7th Cervantes Drama Festival, hosted by the Spanish Major Program of University International College(UIC), kicked off on March 18, 2022, at N101 of the Library Building, Block N of M.U.S.T. This year, six classes of three grades from Spanish major participated in the performance, setting the highest record in history. The two-and-a-half-hour performance was a brilliant one that climaxed one after another. La Dahlia told a beautiful love story in the style of Romeo and Juliet; La La Land perfectly interpreted the vitality of youth in a musical way; dressed up in exquisite characteristic costumes, Coco and Señorita perfectly presented exotic customs; La Tempestad and Una Danza Maravillosa were adapted from the classics Thunderstorm and The Legend of Zhen Huan respectively. The wonderful performances of the actors and the enthusiastic participation of the audience jointly contributed to the success of this festival.
The event was attended by Professor Zhang Hongming, Dean of UIC, and Wang Ting, Assistant Dean, and a Spanish-language lecturer as judges, who selected various awards for this competition. After fierce competition, the judges unanimously awarded the Best Organization Prize to Coco, the Best Costume and Makeup Prize to Señorita, the Best Graphic Design Prize to La Dahlia, the Best Soundtrack and Sound Prize to La La Land, and the Best Stage Set to La Tempestad. The Best Screenplay Prize went to Una Danza Maravillosa. The Grand Finale, the Best Drama Prize, was once again won by the Freshman Class 2; with La La Land, the Best Actor Prize wasattained by Zhang Yuchi from the Junior Class 2 and Lu Guohao from the Sophomore Class 2 Yuan Yangzhangting from Freshman Class 2, Dai Shiyi from Freshman Class 1, Zhang Nan from Sophomore Class 1 and Ge Tansi from Junior Class 1 respectively. Prizes and bonuses were bestowed to each winning class or individual by the judges.
As a powerful supplement to classroom learning, this activity has furthered students' understanding of Spanish society, culture and literature, enriched their extracurricular life and enhanced their organizing skills. The students said that through this drama festival, their oral competence in Spanish, interpersonal skills, and organizational ability had been significantly improved; and the more precious thing is that they have deepened their friendships with classmates.
“Coco” Stills
“La Dahlia” Stills
“La La Land” Stills
“La Tempestad” Stills
"Señorita" Stills
"Una Danza Maravillosa" Stills